Saturday, April 7, 2012

Interlude 2: Cultural Universality

  Okay, I want you to sit for a second and ask yourself what you believe to be the most universal of cultural experiences. Those things that not only you experience, but also people around the world experience every day. Think hard, I'll give you a minute or two to ponder...Okay, have you thought of at least one thing? Good. I bet you've come up with some interesting answers.  Perhaps riding bicycles (that's probably up there), or eating meals together as a family(I could go either way on that one, I feel like that depends too much on the family in question), or even going to church, or walking a dog, or driving to work every morning. I think these are all good answers, but I've come to find that one of the most universal things right now is something completely other.  It seems that no matter where you go in the world, it is not possible to escape the Party Rock Anthem. Yes, I'm talking about the Party Rock Anthem by LMFAO. Whether you're in an airport, listening to the radio, walking on the street and happen to hear a stereo blasting, in the club, it doesn't matter: it is everywehre. Against all odds, LMFAO has truly created an anthem to unify the world.

Party Rock Anthem

edit: I just noticed they do a bit of 20's Charleston at one point in the video, awesome

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